April 30, 2015

Belawai Market & Tanjung Manis AIrport

As majorities people said, Pais from belawai mmg sedap. So, Eim as our tourist guide kununyee bawak ktorg jalan-jalan kat pasar belawai. Such a petite market which only few stalls kat tepi2 jalan.  Luckily we found the stall yang menjual pais.

 Okay today ahim as belawai ambassador. wakakaka
 Belawai also famous with their sesar unjur. 

 Okay, after bough some foods to bring back to Sibu, we visited Tanjung Manis Airport. 
Because today is Sunday, so visitor are not allowed to come in. We just sightseeing the surrounding. Huhuhuhu..

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