June 30, 2012

Mak Ngah Big Day..

Okay, im not going to focus with the brides.. Just let's enjoy viewing BTS people of the wedding ceremony..okay! hehehe.. So here they are..

My lovely cousins which very 'camera friendly' lols..
they are everywhere..

my mom and my aunties.. they are AAB's Inlaws

My bro and cousin

See, i told ya..my 'camera friendly' cousins are everywhere..

June 15, 2012

My addiction stop!

Just feel like i want to gv up..gv up about what? gv up on downloading my kdrama.. yeahh..all people are worrying about mediafire not working and it will appear like this
this happen for few weeks already..after megaupload shutdown,mediafire the only hopes for us to download the file..and this really annoying and dont know what will happen after this..all of the site i used to visit, also face the same things..
And i guess i need to stop download for a while.. :((
buying the original DVD earn lots of money.. 1box of DVD cost about RM60-80 T.T

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