April 27, 2015

2015 Bernas Sibu Family Day Part 1

Our first visit before proceeding our journey to Belawai were to Masjid Al-Firdaus Bandar Baru, Tanjung Manis. To distribute some contribution to this mosque. 

Our convoy took us 2 hours from Sibu to Tanjung Manis. Welcoming by the mosque staffs with foodssssssssss.. ahakss..as if they know that i havent took my breakfast. :P

A variety of local kueh mueh.. this reminds me of fasting month,Ya, only available during ramadhan eve.
Okay our abang sado preparing the packages of rice to give to the mosque

While everybody were busy, im the official photographer for this event (iye iye bebeno bunyi nyerr..haha) take the advantage to wandering inside the mosque. Been told the interior segala2 perabot kayu2, tempat khutbah jumaat smua tu jugak dibuat sendiri oleh orang tempatan.

Sesi penyerahan beras kepada pihak masjid.

Last but not least, perkara wajib..sesi gambar kenang-kenangan staff Bernas bersama pihak masjid.

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