November 10, 2012

10.11.12 My Uncles' Big Day!!

10.12.13 beautiful date with 3 numbers in a row. a very special date that comes once in a life time. It has couples lining up to tie the knot on this date!!among all who planned to get married on this date, not to forget my family welcoming new member in AAB familia!! Its my uncle big day!! Hold at Bintulu, at the wife residential and their occasion will be held at Dewan Martabat on the next day.(tomorrow) Congratulation on your wedding day. 

Sorry cant attend to your big day. But haeeqhal is on behalf!! hehehe~ 

Ouh..that nervous face..hehehe~

Simple Pelamin for "Majlis Merenjis"

The Brides Room ^^

Photo taken by my aunty.. And will update the Occasion at Dewan thru my fathers' camera lens!! Ok!!daaa~ ^_^

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