June 1, 2011

Korean Word: Heol

This is a popular exclamation used in Korea when the person is surprised or being expressive.  Mainly used as a non-positive response. Normally use in the situation where you are embarrassing or surprising. 
Note: This texting slang is age sensitive. It is spoken (mostly by very young people), but 헐 (heol) can be seen in Korean texts used by people up to their late 20’s.

This Korean slang term doesn’t necessarily have a meaning. It’s mostly used to express a mild shock or surprise and at times disappointment.

A: 어디야? (Where are you?)
B: 집, 왜? (Home, why?)
A: 헐… 만나기로 했잖아 (heol, we were supposed to meet)
A: 머리 밀어버렸어! (I shaved my head!)
B: 헐… (heol)

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