February 4, 2014

Wake Up To Reality After Short Holidays

Say Hello to February!!!

Feel so lazy to wake up early this morning. after short holiday 5days in a row woke up at 8 and below. :D I was on leave on Jan 28. And continue yesterday. Feb 3rd. Went back to my hometown Kuching. Planned to make a move on Sunday but change my mind going back on next day. Driving long distance 6hours Sibu-Kuching-Sibu wasnt that tiring. Enjoying myself to release some burden in my mind. Just a bit sleepy while following slow trailer/lories for few hours. =..=
On Jan 28th I made my move at 11.20am from Sibu Jaya tru Durin highway. Reach Betong at 1.20pm. Take a rest for 10minutes and continue my journey and reached Sri Aman area at 2.30pm. Aiming to reach Serian at 4.00pm and i did it 10 minutes earlier. So,completed my mission arriving Kuching city at 4.30pm!!And the photos above was taken during my journey going back from Kuching to Sibu. As i look at the clock, take off from Kuching around 11.00am. And reached Sibu Jaya at 5 sharp. 

Long Journey started!!

Speed to the max at Bukit Bangunan

To Betong 66km!!

PitStop at Betong Petronas.

107km to Sibu!!

To Sibu here we go!!

Batang Rajang- Durin Bridge

~Sibu Jaya~

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