March 13, 2010

Western Architecture History: Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu was built around 1450, at the height of the Inca Empire.It is situated on a mountain ridge above the Sacred Valley which is 80 kilometres (50 mi) northwest of Cuzco and through which the Urubamba River flows.

Always my favorite learning architecture history. From Western to Eastern they have their own unique style. As for Machu Picchu which always caught my attention, since being expose with this place while studying western architecture history back in 2007(if im not mistaken). As in those year where the only source we can get in internet was from wikipedia. What a boring internet source before. LoL.

What we have to memorize about Machu Picchu during study time.

As one of the world's great wonder, Machu Picchu is tangible evidence of the urban Inca Empire at the peak of its power and achievement.Landscape engineering skills are in strong evidence at Machu Picchu. The site’s buildings, walls, terraces, and ramps reclaim the steep mountainous terrain and make the city blend naturally into the rock escarpments on which it is situated. The 700-plus terraces preserved soil, promoted agriculture, and served as part of an extensive water-distribution system that conserved water and limited erosion on the steep slopes.

Thank you Google Search for making my photo search go smoothly.. kekekekeke..
Hopefully, i can explore this place one day soon. Inshaa allah..

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